If you are a beginning machine knitter there are some common problems that you might encounter - here's a bit of a guide as to the problem and what to do:-

Loops at the beginning of a row Carriage is probably being taken too far out to the side which brings down excess yarn When you knit a row take the carriage just past the knitting by a couple of inches. You will hear a click at the end of each row that tells you that you have completed the row, just take the carriage past a bit further.
  Tension mast is set too loose Set the tension so that the yarn when pulled down at the back (behind the mast) rises slowly. If it shoots up it's too loose, if it just sits down tight it is too tight.
Yarn gets tangled in the wheels Could be the same problem as above - taking the carriage too far past the knitting which gives excess yarn so that when you start back for the next row it catches on the wheels Don't knit too far past the row but if you think you are doing that correctly, check the tension in the tension mast.
  Yarn is too hairy which causes it to catch in the wheels Try popping it in the freezer overnight to tame it a bit.
Edge stitches tight and not knitting Carriage is being returned before the end of the row, which means that some needles don't get a chance to knit Make sure you take the carriage past the end of the knitting.
  Tension too tight in mast Check mast tension and correct.
Weaving cast on not working Needles in incorrect position or, weaving brushes are not down, yarn not in correct slot or slot is open not locked, yarn is put under rather than over If you print out my cast on help sheet and follow it through it should work for you. Common mistakes for newbies are forgetting to put the weaving brushes down, forgetting to set up the needles correctly, forgetting to lock the gate after inserting the yarn and it pops out and also not putting the yarn over the needles.
First row of weaving cast on works but later rows don't Tension could be too tight or too loose. Check tension.
  You have a machine that works better if needles are pushed to D position for a few rows after the initial cast on row Try putting needles to D position for a few rows.
Carriage binds and will not slide propertly Carriage not seated on the bed correctly Take carriage off and make sure when sliding it on that it is caught under the lip at the front.
  Carriage arm or sinker plate is not screwed down correctly Sometimes when you attach the arm or sinker plate you don't get it in the right spot so when you screw it down it's not quite level. Undo it and jiggle it a bit until it is seated correctly then screw it down.
  Bed has been stored incorrectly (on end) or had heavy items stored on top of it and the bed is warped. Also it can warp if you have it on a table that sags in the middle. Can't help you if the bed is warped as I don't know how to fix that but a sagging table needs a board on it to boost it to level or try another desk or table.
All your knitting falls on the floor This happens to all of us, usual cause is no yarn in the yarn feeder, either because we have reached the end of the ball of yarn or because the yarn has broken or because we forgot to lock the gate and the yarn has escaped from the yarn feeder. If you are using a ball of yarn or cone and you are near the end tie on the next ball or cone of yarn now, before you begin knitting, you will be glad you did. Broken yarn happens from time to time, if it's old yarn it can get dried out and become brittle or if it's wool the moths might have gotten into it, either way you might have to chuck it! Forgetting to lock the yarn feeder happens to all of us - you'll get better as you go along.
Single stitch tucks when it shouldn't or stitch drops Probably a sticky latch or bent needle In that area pull all needle to D and take a good look to see if the needle is bent. If not open the latch and then see if you can easily flip it closed. If it sticks down, try wiggling the latch to loosen it up - if that doesn't help (which it often doesn't) then replace that needle.
Knitting seems to be rising up in one area You probably have a loop caught on one of the sinker posts. Use one of your tools to pull it up and off the sinker post - knitting will be fine unless you have noticed it too late and needles have begun not to knit correctly, then you might have to pull a few rows back.
 August 28, 2015

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