FRONT Cast on 42 sts (21-0-21) and knit several rows with waste yarn ending with carriage at the right. Knit 1 row with ravel cord at T10. RC000. Using main yarn knit 7 rows at T5. Make picot edging by transferring every other stitch onto adjacent needles. Put empty needles into working position (check you still have 21-0-21) and knit l row at T8. T6 knit 7 more rows (CAR RC15) and pick up stitches next to ravel cord to hang to close hem. Push needles forward to hold position for next row and knit it at T8. Remove ravel cord. And return dial to T6 and knit straight until row counter shows 75 rows. (CAR) SHAPE ARMHOLES - Cast off 4 sts at beginning of next row. Knit l row (CAR). Using three prong tool decrease 1 st at armhole edge on next and every following alternate row until 24 sts remain. Knit one row to left. RC104. SHAPE NECK - Cast off 4 sts at neck edge and knit to right. RC105. Decrease as before at the armhole
edge on alternate rows and also at the same time dec 1 st at the neck edge and continue decreasing until you are
down to 1 st. Knit one row on that one st. RC 124. Cast off. Knit another front, reversing the shapings. BACK Cast on 84 sts (42-0-42) and knit the same as front to 75 rows. SLEEVES Cast on 46 sts (23-0-23). Make picot hem as for front. Increase 1 st each side of work on next and every 6th row until row counter shows 75 rows. (33-0-33) SHAPE ARMHOLES - Cast off 4 sts at beginning of next 2 rows. Knit one row. Using three prong tool decrease 1 st at each side on next row and every following alternate row until you reach 12sts. Knit 2 rows and cast off. TO MAKE UP Sew together raglan seams and then side seams. I do two rows of single crochet around front and neck making loops in last row for buttons for boys. For girls I do one row of single crochet and then a final row adding on picots to make it prettier and loops for the buttons. Sew on buttons. Embroider on name or flowers. ALTERNATE NEWBORN SIZE Same as above except the following:- FRONT - Cast on 42 - knit to 66 rows. Decrease at neck edge when 21 sts. Continue decreasing until there are no stitches left. (note down final row no.) BACK - Cast on 84 - knit to 66 rows - continue as before to same final row as front. SLEEVES - Cast on 42 - continue as before. |